Our Goals
We pursue specific goals that prioritize the individual development and unfoldment of students. These include fostering independence, intrinsic motivation, holistic development, social skills, respect, creativity, environmental awareness, lifelong learning, individual growth, inclusion, and global consciousness. These objectives go beyond mere knowledge transfer and simultaneously emphasize the development of character, values, and skills. Through this, we aim to provide students with the foundation for a fulfilling life.
The social goals of our school are focused on shaping an inclusive and engaged community. This includes fostering respect, empathy, and collaboration among students, parents, and teachers. Our school is committed to appreciating diversity and creating an atmosphere of trust and support where every student feels comfortable and accepted. This also involves participating in social projects and raising awareness of social responsibility to educate students to become active citizens making a positive contribution to society.
In our pursuit of economic sustainability, we strive to establish a robust financial foundation to support our long-term educational mission. This involves the efficient management of resources, active engagement of parents and the community in school fundraising, and ensuring financial stability to guarantee high-quality education. Our objective is to achieve a balanced financial health, maintaining an inclusive and innovative learning environment while remaining affordable for all.
Our goal is to cultivate a diverse and inclusive culture that promotes the recognition and appreciation of various cultural backgrounds, traditions, and languages within the student body and the community. Through intercultural dialogue and collaboration, we aim to foster understanding, tolerance, and respect to develop cultural diversity. This diversity honors individual identity while simultaneously establishing a connection to the global community.