Costs and Fees
Tesoro Montessori School is a day school. In kindergarten, half-day or full-day options are available. In the primary school, we offer full-day instruction. On Wednesday and Friday afternoons, children in both kindergarten and primary school have the afternoon off, but optional childcare can be booked. The school fees are transparent and straightforward, consisting of a fixed amount per child. In the kindergarten (ages 3-6), fees can be booked as half-day with or without lunch or full-day with or without lunch. In the primary school (ages 6-12), full-day options with or without lunch can be booked. School fees can be paid monthly, quarterly, semi-annually, or annually, one month in advance.
A one-time fee of CHF 2'500 is charged for the enrollment of a child. This fee covers:
Registration Fee: One-time per child | CHF 500
Deposit: Refunded with the final payment upon leaving, and non-refundable if attendance is less than 24 months | CHF 2'000
School Fees 2024/2025
Monday - Friday:
5 Half Days* (mornings only) without lunch: Annual fee CHF 27'000 (monthly CHF 2'250)
5 Half Days* (mornings only) with lunch: Annual fee CHF 28'800 (monthly CHF 2'400)
*Morning classes only
Monday - Friday (without Wednesday and Friday afternoons):
6 Half Days** without lunch: Annual fee CHF 28'200 (monthly CHF 2'350)
6 Half Days** with lunch: Annual fee CHF 30'000 (monthly CHF 2'500)
Full Days without lunch: Annual fee CHF 30'000 (monthly CHF 2'500)
Full Days with lunch: Annual fee CHF 31'800 (monthly CHF 2'650)
**Morning classes plus one afternoon of your choice (fixed throughout the year)
Primary School
Monday - Friday (without Wednesday and Friday afternoons):
Full Days without lunch: Annual fee CHF 30'000 (monthly CHF 2'500)
Full Days with lunch: Annual fee CHF 31'800 (monthly CHF 2'650) for lower primary
Full Days with lunch: Annual fee CHF 33'000 (monthly CHF 2'750) for upper primary
Optional Kindergarten and Primary School
Wednesday afternoon care (01:30 - 06.00 PM): CHF 4'260 (monthly CHF 355)
Friday afternoon care (01:30 - 04:00 PM): CHF 2'400 (monthly CHF 200)
This amount includes comprehensive services
The entire school experience, including lessons, materials, project work, a personalized curriculum, and individual guidance.
Continuous care and school hours from Monday to Thursday, 7:30 AM to 6:00 PM, and Friday from 7:30 AM to 4:00 PM (depending on the chosen schedule).
A daily hot lunch (if booked) as well as snacks throughout the day.
Holiday care.
Included are also day trips, special family evenings, unique events, and much more.
Enrollment Note: Admission to Tesoro Montessori School is possible at any time during the school year, subject to available capacity. The regular school start date is typically at the beginning of the academic year. School fees will be calculated on a pro-rata basis according to the entry date.
*Reservation is free of charge and non-binding.
Spaces are limited and are allocated on a first-come, first-served basis.
A waiting list will be maintained thereafter.
Special Offer
We offer holiday care for siblings of our Montessori children during the official school holidays of the municipality of Rüschlikon.
Cost per day, including lunch: CHF 140
Cost per week, including lunch: CHF 550
(Additional costs may apply for special excursions during project weeks. These will be charged separately.)
Please Note
Multi-day excursions, school camps, international trips, etc., will be billed separately.
School fees are subject to annual adjustment.
Sibling discount: 10% for the second child and 20% for the third child.