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Family and School Hand in Hand

In Tesoro Montessori School, we view education as a shared adventure involving children and their families. We believe that school should not be in opposition to family life but should seamlessly integrate into daily life, providing a holistic educational and developmental path for the entire family. For this reason, we are committed to supporting not only the children but also making a valuable contribution to assisting parents and enriching family life as a whole.

The integration of education and upbringing

A shared responsibility of school and family:

In the past, education and upbringing were often viewed as separate domains, with schools responsible for education and parents for upbringing. However, in today's world, the lines between these two aspects are becoming increasingly blurred - and this is a positive development. Both schools and families face new and challenging responsibilities. Modern schools are not only responsible for educating students but also for their upbringing, just as families play a crucial role in their children's education.

Therefore, close collaboration between school and family is of paramount importance. Instead of working against each other, we should harness the synergy of this valuable partnership. Ultimately, our children benefit the most from this shared commitment.

An educational journey for the whole family

Learning, Connecting, and Growing Together!

Four times a year, the Tesoro Montessori School invites parents to attend the so-called "Tesoro Evenings," specifically designed for the parents of our students. These events are already included in the school fees and provide a valuable opportunity for parents to stay in constant communication, learn from each other, and support the upbringing and development of their children to the best of their abilities.

During the "Tesoro Evenings," we will present high-quality contributions, lectures, and workshops on relevant and important topics. Our goal is to provide parents with useful methods, tips, and tricks to ensure a seamless and coordinated upbringing between school and family.

The "Tesoro Evenings" not only help promote the core competencies and the growth mindset of our children at school and at home but also strengthen the parent-child relationship and overall interaction within our school community.

Active Community

Certainly, parents and families who wish to actively contribute to our community are warmly welcome. They are invited to attend classes, participate in excursions, and collaborate on projects at any time. If parents possess specific expertise or skills and have a desire to share them with the school or other families, we are very open to that.

In addition, we hold regular meetings with parents, which are also possible by appointment at any time. These meetings are not intended to assess the children's performance but rather to facilitate exchange, strengthen relationships, and work towards the common goal of supporting each child to the best of our ability.

Instead of traditional report cards, developmental discussions take place twice a year.

In kindergarten, there is a transition discussion before the move to primary school.

Upon request, consultation meetings or coaching sessions are also available to discuss individual concerns and questions.

We value the collaboration between the school and parents as a valuable resource for the development and education of the children.

The digital bridge between school and home

Thanks to modern technologies, parents can directly track their children's progress, always stay up to date, and essentially participate in the school routine. We have our own app that makes daily life easier for families. In this app, for example, absences, illness reports, or holiday plans can be entered directly. The app also simplifies communication between teachers and families by enabling direct communication with our teachers. It also serves as an essential information tool, similar to an internal social network. Here, we share projects, pictures, videos, and information about planned activities and outings. Our app is, therefore, a valuable tool that enriches the daily school life for parents, children, and educators alike.

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